The control over selling tobacco and alcohol to minors will be strengthened


Referring to the issue of alcohol and tobacco selling to minor during the regular working meeting the Department of Trade and Services, the division of family, women and children’s rights protection of Yerevan Municipality as well as the heads of administrative districts were instructed by Mayor Taron Margaryan to strengthen the control in teamwork with Yerevan Department of the RA Police and to activate the awareness.
“We have turned to this problem many times. Within the frames of the law certain steps were taken to exclude cases of alcohol and tobacco selling to minors, as well as to apply corresponding penalties for administrative violations. Though the activities are of long-lasting character the results are still unsatisfactory. Therefore it’s necessary to strengthen the control and activate the awareness. Together with Yerevan Department of the RA Police warn the economy entities about the administrative responsibility for breaking the law”, stressed Taron Margaryan.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hal of Yerevan

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