Nearly 13 million drams fine to be exposed to “Sanitek” company


During the regular weekly meeting in the City Hall Hayk Marutyan referred to improper organization of waste removal, in particular, to the announcement made by “Sanitek” company in which they express apologizes to townspeople for piles of garbage accumulated everywhere and promised to improve the situation as soon as possible. The Mayor stressed that instead of informing or warning people about bad situation with waste removal the company is obliged to meet its contractual liabilities.
According to the agreement signed between Yerevan Municipality and “Sanitek” company the community has the right to apply fines and sanctions in case of unfinished or unfulfilled obligations. The decision has been made to expose the fine of nearly 13 million drams to “Sanitek”.
To improve the situation with waste removal in the capital, the Municipality had to rent dump trucks to arrange the activities which the “Sanitek” company is unable to fulfil.


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