Business entities are responsible for cleaning up sidewalks from snow as well


Snow and frost cause problems for pedestrians as pavements are covered with ice and become dangerous. The municipal “Waste removal and sanitary cleaning” company is responsible for the city’s cleanness and snow cleaning up.The company is equipped with all necessary machinery, so the roads are properly cleaned up. However, there is still lack of the machinery necessary for cleaning snow up from pavements.
Touching upon this problem Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan particularly outlined that although the company was set up not so long ago the problem of trash removal and sanitary cleaning had been chiefly solved. In winter when there are no frosts snow cleaning is carried out by hand due to the efforts of the communal employees. Yet when the pavements are frozen special machinery is needed. So, the Municipality is about to purchase necessary machinery for it.
However, not only the community entities are responsible for snow cleaning. Economic entities have been obliged to well-arrange the areas surrounding their facilities in accordance with the decision of the Council of Elders since 2009. They are liable for trash removal, snow cleaning, sanitary cleaning and landscaping of the surrounding areas.This is the social responsibility approach adopted in many countries.
Relevant subdivisions of the Municipality and administrative districts set control over the situation and negotiate with economic entities urging them to improve their areas.


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