New drainage systems to be constructed to avoid rainwater accumulation


The heavy rain we have had for several days caused rainwater accumulation in the streets of the city. The existing drainage systems are regularly cleaned and brought to order to avoid flooding.
According to Mayor’s Advisor Kamo Areyan, soil depletion resulted in rainwater accumulation.
There are streets in Yerevan that have no drains. It is planned to construct drainage systems where necessary.
Houses and streets adjacent to Nor Aresh 50th street in Yerevan have been flooded as a result of the Vokhchaberd river headwall collapse. The circumstances are to be studied. Rescuers are cleaning up the area with the machinery provided by the municipality.



Անձրևաջրերի կուտակումներից խուսափելու նպատակով կկառուցվեն նոր հեղեղատար համակարգեր