Hayk Marutyan: Residents should be satisfied with the services provided by policlinics


At the end of the meeting the mayor of Yerevan, the heads of administrative districts of the capital and the heads of staff divisions answered the questions of the members of the Council. In particular, the activity of municipal closed joint-stock companies was discussed. Besides, they discussed the issues related to the spheres of education, health, culture, improvement and other sectors of the city economy. The members of the Council expressed anxiety in relation of catering organization in municipal kindergartens. In this regard the head of the Department of General Education stated that the process is under control. The persons in charge were instructed to set everyday control over the quality of food products delivered to kindergartens and to be more demanding with food providers. The issue of improvement of municipal policlinics was referred too. Mayor Hayk Marutyan expressed discontent with the current situation in policlinics and outlined that everything must be done so that the residents will be satisfied with the conditions and the quality of rendered services.

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