Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan’s congratulation on Day of Knowledge


Dear teachers, pupils and their parents!
The academic year of 2021-2022 is starting. Today we can state with delight that in spite of the epidemic restrictions we mark the Day of Knowledge with traditional solemnity.
Last year, our country encountered enormous challenges: war and epidemic the consequences of which still influence our today’s life. Rooms named after the alumni fallen during our homeland defense are opened in all schools and these halls of glory have become special sacred spots for pupils making them feel responsible for gaining knowledge, skills and doing their best to use their potential to contribute to Homeland development and strengthening.
Dear compatriots, congratulating you on this bright holiday I want to believe that joining our efforts, working diligently and devotedly we will overcome all hardships with honour and we will succeed in our mission to have a well-educated, patriotic and law-abiding generations.

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