

Dear citizens,
At the meeting of Yerevan Council of Elders held on February 13 the members of “Yerkir Tsirani” faction (“Apricot country”) afforded actions discrediting the institution of Council of Elders, deliberately interrupting the regulation of the meeting, violating the rights of other members of the Council of Elders, other municipal employees present at the meeting and representatives of the mass media. Those actions are improper for Armenians, Yerevanians and for a sensible person in general and creating anti-sanitary situation temporally interrupted the normal work of the Council. Abstaining the attempt to give a legal assessment to apparently planned incident and the harm done to the health of the members of the Council of Elders and the Municipality staff participating in the meeting, Yerevan Municipality strongly condemns such activities and behavior both inside the City Hall and in Yerevan in general as a result of which harm can be done to each resident.


Information and Public Relations Department 

of the City Hall of Yerevan

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