Criteria for selection of buildings to be included in “EU for Yerevan Solar Community” have been worked out


The working group of “EU4Yerevan Solar Community” program implementation jointly with EU supporting team have worked out the criteria for selection of the buildings to be included in the program. It should be reminded that “EU4 Yerevan Solar Community” program provides for to install solar photovoltaic systems on the roofs of 90 residential buildings which will meet the energy demand for operation of lifts, lighting of common areas including staircases, entrances. The lighting of these areas will be provided by LED lamps.
The main criteria of the selection are the geographically favourable location, number of floors 9-14, two, three or more entrances of the blocks of flats, at least two elevators, flat and repaired roof, as well as presence of at least 10 sq m of space for each 1 kw of PV system. It is also mentioned that after the construction of the building they should be no floors added later, The priority in the criteria is seismic safety ( the emergency rate can’t be higher than 2nd stage). With this aim it is planned to conduct a special study. Besides, the population of the buildings must be at least 85 %. By the way, social component is also involved in the principle of selection: there must be needy families involved in the system of “PAROS” or beneficiaries of any social programs, or families of fallen azatamartiks or disabled servicemen and other vulnerable social groups.
The criteria also require an effectively working condominium, and of course, the agreement and willingness of residents.
For the condominiums the working group worked out a special questionnaire the results of which will be assessed by corresponding commission. Soon meetings will be organized with the condominiums of administrative districts to present the program in more details and to familiarize them with the procedure of answering the questions.


Information and Public Relations Department

of the City Hall of Yerevane

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