
“Being a doctor is first of all a mission”: Yerevan Mayor’s Awards to Medical Worke

“Being a doctor is first of all a mission”: Yerevan Mayor’s Awards to Medical Worke


Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan hosted the representatives of the healthcare sector on the occasion of Medical Worker Day. Congratulating on the occasion of the professional holiday, the Mayor thanked them for their dedicated work and important mission. "Being a doctor is first of all a mission, which requires a lot of work and dedication, high responsibility, care and great strength.

Medical centre “Yerevan” is under renovation and modernization

Medical centre “Yerevan” is under renovation and modernization


The medical centre “Yerevan” is under renovation. The centre has received new furniture, up-to-date medical equipment, the wards are being renovated. Modernization of the “Yerevan” medical  centre started last year, tхе process is still going on and the completion is scheduled

Overhauling and modernization in “Avan” health centre

Overhauling and modernization in “Avan” health centre


The only policlinic in Avan administrative district hasn’t been renovated since its opening. Today the “Avan” health centre subordinated to Yerevan Municipality provides its services to the residents in fully renovated and modernized facilities. In addition to comfortable facilities, the health centre has been provided with new equipment and apparatuses. Some laboratory and other diagnostics are now available in the policlinic.

Free Examination, Treatment and Prevention of Hepatitis C: New Health Care Program Launched

Free Examination, Treatment and Prevention of Hepatitis C: New Health Care Program Launched


Yerevan Municipality and the international humanitarian organization “Doctors Without Borders”  (MSF) have kicked off the “Simplified service delivery for Hepatitis C patients” program. The program started in “Arshakunyats policinic”, where special examination rooms are opened. The MSF undertook renovation of the rooms and donated laboratory and diagnostic equipment, medication, vaccines, medical appliances and materials to the out-patient clinic, the personnel got a refresher training with foreign specialists.

Overhauling Going in Policlinics of Yerevan

Overhauling Going in Policlinics of Yerevan


 “Nork Marash” branch of Yerevan policlinic N4 is the only outpatient clinic in the administrative district. The medical establishment functioning since 1963 has never been overhauled. In 2022, Yerevan Municipality initiated structural changes in the sphere: to enhance the work of policlinics they

Citizens Not Vaccinated Against Measles Are Urged To Turn To Policlinics and Get Vaccinated

Citizens Not Vaccinated Against Measles Are Urged To Turn To Policlinics and Get Vaccinated


Up to this moment the number of laboratory confirmed cases of measles is 20 18 of which have been taken to hospital. 15 of them are residents of Yerevan. During the regular working meeting, the Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Gevorg Simonyan reported, that additional shifts were organized




