
From 16 to 22 of October 59 letters were received via social media network of Yerevan Municipality and administrative districts

From 16 to 22 of October 59 letters were received via social media network of Yerevan Municipality and administrative districts

In the period from October 16 to 22, 59 letters were received via social media network of Yerevan Municipality and administrative districts. 54 of the letters got corresponding solutions,5 are being processed. 157 letters were received regarding “Clean Yerevan” program.

Construction of the new motorway connecting Davtashen with Ashtarak highway to is going on in accordance with the schedule

Construction of the new motorway connecting Davtashen with Ashtarak highway to is going on in accordance with the schedule

Within the frames of the 2nd trench of the investment program of sustainable urban development the construction of the new motorway connecting Davashen with Ashtarak highway is going on within the frames of the

The head of the RF Government renders the memory tribute to the victims of Armenian Genocide

The head of the RF Government renders the memory tribute to the victims of Armenian Genocide

The RF Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev who is in Armenia with an official visit, accompanied by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan and the RA Vice Prime Minister Vache Gabreilyan visited the memorial complex of Tsitsernakaberd to lay a wreath at the monument to the victims of the Armenian Genocide and flowers to the Eternal Flame commemorating the Holy Martyrs.

“Little singers of Armenia” choir takes part in Abu-Gosh festival of vocal and choir music

“Little singers of Armenia” choir takes part in Abu-Gosh festival of vocal and choir music

Children’s Philharmonic “Little singers of Armenia” adjunct to Yerevan Municipality, conducted by the artistic director Tigran Hekekyan returned from Israel where it took part in Abu-Gosh festival of vocal and choir music which has been held for about 30 years in the church of the village with the same name. Before this no children choir had ever been invited to take part in Abu-Gosh festival.

408 babies were born I Yerevan from 13 to 19 of October

408 babies were born I Yerevan from 13 to 19 of October

According to Yerevan Municipality Department of Health, from 13 to 19 of October 408 babies-204 boys and 204 girls-were born in maternity homes of the capital. During the same period 36121 citizens applied to the municipal out-patient clinics of Yerevan.




